

It’s just what the doctor ordered! A way to 保存 money for your medical needs.


或打电话 1-855-440-4472

健康储蓄帐户(HSA) 股息 率  年 
$0.01- $2,499.99 0.10% 0.10%
$2,500.00 - $9,999.99 0.30% 0.30%
$10,000.00 - $24,999.99 0.30% 0.30%
$25,000.00及以上 0.49% 0.50%

健康储蓄账户年百分比收益率(年)自2024年9月1日起生效, and may change after account opening without notice. 年 = 0.10% applies to accounts with balances from $0.01 to $2,499.99; 年 = 0.30% applies to accounts with balances from $2,500.00 to $9,999.99; and from $10,000.00 to $24,999.99; 年 = 0.49% applies to accounts with balances of $25,000.00及以上. 费用可能会减少收入.




  • 贡献 can be made by you, your employer, or other individuals
  • Funds will not be taxed if used for qualified expenses
  • At year-end, the remaining funds carry over for use in future years
  • Tiered dividend rates that increase as your account balance grows
  • 股息s earned on ending daily balances and posted monthly
  • Comes with the 元素 HSA Visa® 借记卡 to use for your qualified purchases
  • 在线门户网站的帐户管理和保管您的文书和收据-可通过利记或移动应用程序访问


  • You have a high-deductible health plan (HDHP)
  • You want a safe and convenient way to pay for health expenses
  • You want to 保存 for future medical expenses on a tax-free basis


So, what exactly is a 健康储蓄帐户(HSA)?

健康储蓄账户(HSA)是一种税收优惠的医疗储蓄账户,适用于参加高免赔额健康计划(HDHP)的美国纳税人。. HSA允许你在免税的基础上支付当前的医疗费用,并为未来的医疗和退休人员的医疗费用储蓄. 贡献, 收益, 当资金用于合格的医疗费用时,分配都免征联邦所得税.

你可以使用HSA来支付与你的高免赔额健康计划相关的费用,直到你达到你的免赔额. After your deductible has been met, 你的健康保险将支付全部或部分医疗费用, depending on the benefit design of the health plan. 任何在HSA中可用的多余资金可用于其他合格的费用, including dental and vision costs. Funds may also remain in the HSA to grow for use in future years.


What can I do in the HSA Portal?

Once you have opened your 元素 HSA, 您将可以在利记和移动应用程序中访问HSA门户网站. The Portal enables you to keep all of your important information, 比如文书和收据, 在一个地方, which makes for easy retrieval and reference later. Here’s a glimpse at other tools available through the HSA Portal: 

  • 指示板 — overview of your balances and progress toward the HSA yearly limit.
  • 可扣除的追踪 -链接您的健康计划(例如. 蓝十字蓝盾)的帐户,把你的进度对你的免赔额的猜测.
  • 保险公司的顾问 就如何从HSA中获得最大利益提供可操作的反馈.
  • 连接你的信用卡 -将个人信用卡和/或借记卡连接到您的帐户,以便没有任何HSA购买被捕获. 你也可以将你的储蓄或支票账户联系起来,以便于偿还.
  • 投资账户 -查看您的投资账户总额,并从您的Drive财富账户中转移资金.
  • 医疗保健蓝皮书免费的消费者指南,帮助您确定您所在地区的医疗保健服务(如手术)的公平价格, 住院, 去看医生, 或者医学测试.
  • HSAStore.comthe only site exclusively focused on health savings accounts, and it’s the easy way to shop for HSA-eligible over-the-counter products. 使用此在线商店无需猜测哪些产品符合条件.

注意,HSA门户是通过利记app官网和Bend Financial之间的合作伙伴关系提供的.

登录 to 你的 HSA Portal through 利记


利记app官网的HSA成员可以通过Drive财富获得投资计划. 那些不打算将所有HSA资金用于当年医疗费用的人可能希望考虑投资HSA资金,以获得潜在的额外储蓄.

要进行投资,你必须在注册时在你的HSA中有至少2500美元的账户余额. Eligibility does not constitute enrollment in the program. 您必须积极选择注册使用元素的HSA提供给您的投资资金.

在达到2,500美元的门槛之前,您可以通过Drive财富进行预注册. 通过我们的预注册选项, 在达到最低投资金额之前,您可以设置您的投资账户详细信息以及您的投资路径. 然后, once your HSA hits the threshold needed, your investment account will be activated, and your HSA investing journey will officially begin.

Post eligibility and enrollment in Drive财富, you’ll be able to invest any amount over your cash threshold of $2,500. If your HSA account balance goes below $2,500, 您将无法将额外的资金转移到您的投资账户.

To begin the enrollment process, 通过在元素利记或移动应用程序中点击您的健康储蓄账户按钮登录您的HSA. From the left navigation menu inside the HSA portal, select 投资账户 从导航栏.

If you wish to learn more about 投资选择, visit the HSA Portal Document Center in the HSA Portal, 哪些可以访问 登录利记 或者移动应用程序. There you can review the Investment Program details. 请注意,访问HSA门户文档中心需要活动的元素健康储蓄帐户.

If you have any questions about the Drive财富 investment program, including enrollment and transfer of funds, please contact the HSA Customer Support Center 寻求帮助 at 1 - 855 - 440 - 4 - hsa (4472).


Getting started is as easy as 1-2-3!

  1. 网上开户- Open an account online in as little as 10 minutes. 或打电话 1-800-621-2105 开始吧. Have your government-issued ID (driver’s license, 状态标识, or passport) and your Social Security number ready.
  2. 〇检查电子邮件 您将在一个工作日内收到一封电子邮件,通知您帐户批准. 就是这样! 你的 健康储蓄帐户 is now open and ready for contributions from your employer.
  3. 注册利记 进入HSA门户- The HSA Portal allows you to manage your HSA account. The HSA Portal is accessed within 利记 或者移动应用程序. 注册利记以方便地从您的智能手机、平板电脑或计算机访问门户网站. Learn more about 利记.



See below for a list of form PDFs that can help you get started.

Looking to Learn 更多的 About HSAs?

如果你想更好地了解你和你的家人如何充分利用你的健康储蓄账户, 访问我们的 HSA欢迎套件 页面 在我们的网站上. It’s full of helpful information about HSAs.

Read more frequently asked questions about 健康储蓄帐户s…

Whom do I call if I have HSA questions?


  • By Phone — Call us toll-free at 855-440-4HSA (855-440-4472) Available 8:00am to 5:00pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday
  • 透过电邮- hsa@gaknavi.com Please allow one business day for a proper response.

我已经有健康储蓄账户了? 我可以把它转移到元素吗?

是的! It’s easy to transfer your existing balance to 元素. Call one of our team members at 1-855-440-4472 东部时间早上8点到下午5点学习.

How are deposits made to my HSA?

If the HSA is offered through your work, 你的雇主可以从每份工资中扣除这笔钱存入该账户. 如果您希望进行其他存款,请致电HSA客户支持中心 1-855-440-4472 查看存款说明.


您将需要填写IRS表格8889,以提交您每年的1040所得税申报, whether you itemize your deductions or not. This form reports your deposits and withdrawals from the HSA account. 我们根据您的帐户使用情况提供在线工作簿,以帮助您完成表格. 此信息仅供参考,不视为税务建议. 有关HSA账户税务申报的具体协助,请咨询您的个人税务顾问. 元素将在一月底发送1099-SA用于分发,5498-SA用于捐款,于5月底到达.


如果你想更好地了解你和你的家人如何充分利用你的健康储蓄账户, 访问我们的 HSA欢迎工具包页面 在我们的网站上. It’s full of helpful information about HSAs, 包括资格, 资助你的HSA, 支付医疗费用, 税, 投资选择, 如何使用HSA门户网站, 和更多的.



I am glad that my workplace partners with 元素 for our HSA. The online portal is so easy to use and 保存s me tons of time.

——克里斯·D. | 2018年起加入

How Much Should I Save to Reach My Goal?

